The Myth of Doing it All

The Myth of Doing it All

written by Anne Redcross Heehler and Dana M. Heyde

Image is from the OC Lawyer magazine August 2023


In the August 2023 volume 65 No 8 of OC Lawyer, attorney and partner, Dana M. Heyde co-authored the article “The Myth of Doing It All”.

Here’s an excerpt:

As the Co-Chair of the Mommy, Esq Committee, a few times a month someone asks Dana Heyde “How do you achieve balance with work and your family?”. This is a question no one has ever asked her attorney husband. Somehow a standard has been set that women must be a rockstar mom and a rockstar attorney at the same time – while wearing heels and smiling.  The personal stories shared by members at two recent Mommy, Esq. events demonstrated the balance can only be achieved when women are supported both at home and at work.

The only way Big Law can retain and promote women and parents is to have a culture where a firm and all of its partners take concrete steps every day to foster inclusion.

The Myth Of Doing It All Next Steps

The article recommends 5 simple steps to help foster inclusion:

  1. Make sure you are staffing your matters with women and mothers.
  2. Have a mindset of growth, not scarcity.
  3. Be flexible and kind to your teams (and opposing counsel for that matter!)
  4. Get to know your colleagues and be genuinely interested.
  5. remind the mothers you work with that there is no such as “doing it all” or a perfect balance.


Click here to read the full article


Image is from the Orange County Lawyer Magazine. The Myth of Doing it All starts on page 45 of the August 2023, Volume 65, Number 8. The graphics for the article are a woman with four arms. Each hand is holding one of these objects: piles of cash, a laptop, kids clothes, and a handbag. The image for the article The Myth of Doing it is found on Page 46 and 47 of the Orange County Lawyer Magazine. August 2023.


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