In California, each parent is responsible for their child’s daily expenses when the child is in their care. Child support payments are used to even out discrepancies that arise when the child lives with one parent for a longer period, or when one parent earns substantially more than the other. (Cal. Fam. Code § 3900)
Large costs, including, medical bills, school tuition, and day care fees, are not considered to be covered by child support and are usually split by parents evenly. There are specific situations when a court can deviate from the guideline support numbers to order either a higher or lower amount of support based on the case circumstances. The family law attorneys at Cottle Keen Lopiccolo & Heyde will help you get a fair support order.
There are many ways that support numbers can be manipulated. Creative tax preparation can make self-employment income difficult to define. The Family Code provides for certain deductions from income including for taxes, health insurance premiums, mandatory retirement contributions, mandatory union dues, alimony, and child support payments for other children.
The attorneys at CKLH understand the nuances of child support law and how to ensure that you are paying or receiving a fair amount of support.
To speak with an experienced attorney in Cottle Keen Lopiccolo & Heyde’s family law practice, please call (714) 997-7870, or click here to contact us by email.